During family or friend gatherings occasionally the conversation turns to those stories when we were kids, and one the members usually says.
     "Do you remember when you wanted to be ...?"
     In that moment we most always remember in a pleasant way the profession or activity we found exciting, and we even imagined how to develop it, what would we do, the money that we would make (always a lot) and how happy we would be with that profession. During this moment we look nostalgic and we remember with a sympathetic smile those times in the past.
     Your friends or family member see that expression on your face and continues to say:

     "Look you would not stop talking about the subject. When anyone would ask you a question about it, you would get so annoying, yet you answered in such a sure manner and look now you are a ...!!"
For an instant you go back to those times and think that seems just like yesterday. You see yourself with that same determination and energy to be what you wanted to be… and what would you do…Growing up most of the toys you asked for were related to that profession. You took the best care of them, and your imagination was flying in that world of fantasy and illusion. You dreamed of those amazing moments that you will have.

     A great deal of time has passed by since that «dream job» and vicissitudes. The circumstances of life, your personal growth and the change in society have taken you to what you are now...
If you have become what you wanted to be… congratulations! You can consider yourself lucky because that is important to fill up our glass of personal happiness.

     If the circumstances didn´t let you achieve what your childhood dream profession, but you have accomplished to become professional in your current job and it satisfies you. Congratulations!
But, wasn't it beautiful to dream about that job and have that hope?
If for your age or circumstances you still have not decided if you want to work on your own or for someone else. You have some sudden doubts, insecurities, fears, and all of the above. These next pages are for you with the desire that they will help you overcome all your barriers.